Trade In Africa is one of the most significant and upcoming online B2B trading platforms that cater primarily to African industries.
It has been instituted with the prime objective to create a portal that brings Local, National and International Farmers, Agro-Processors & African Manufacturing companies together on one innovative and convenient platform.
Trade In Afrika is successfully cultivating the reputation
as one of the top B2B platform that aims to curtail the trading gap between various trading entities with the help of efficacious retail solutions, beneficial tools, and functional development solution in Africa.
This platform is predominantly designed to promote the economic development of the African Agricultural and Manufacturing entities and counter inequalities in access to the means of agricultural production and foster equitable sharing of the benefits of trade throughout Africa.
Transforming our beautiful Africa through Inter-African and International Agricultural Trading. MADE IN AFRICA Locally processed and manufactured raw products in Africa.
GROWN IN AFRICA Locally farmed and cultivated raw products in Africa.
SUPPORT YOUR AFRICA 20% of all profits from Trade In Afrika is reinvested in Africa through our charity website ( and other charities.